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Dropout Prevention

Programs and services that provide student support, train staff, and improve school climate to prevent students from dropping out of school and to recover those who have left and help them complete their education.

Behavioral Intervention Strategies and Supports
We can keep students in school and hold them accountable. Research on student engagement, academic success, dropout, and graduation rates has shown the need to replace punitive discipline practices.

Child Welfare & Attendance
A specialized student support service that combines counseling and legal remedies to resolve complicated or persistent student attendance or behavior problems.

Community Day Schools
Serve high-risk youths, including those referred by expulsion, probation, or a School Attendance Review Board (SARB); provide challenging academic curriculum; and develop pro-social skills and resiliency.

Continuation Education
Serves students sixteen years of age and older who have not graduated from high school, are at risk of not graduating, and are not exempt from compulsory school attendance.

County Community Schools
Serves students who are referred by a parent or a SARB, paroled, on probation, expelled, homeless, or not attending school.

Countywide Plans for Expelled Students
County superintendents, and superintendents of the districts within the county, develop countywide plans for providing educational services to all expelled pupils.

Diploma Plus High Schools
Serves students fifteen years of age and older who have not reached their potential in a traditional secondary school setting and are at risk of not graduating from high school.

Home & Hospital Instruction
School districts provide home and hospital instruction to maintain instructional continuity during a student's temporary disability.

Independent Study
A voluntary alternative instructional strategy for providing regular education; available from kindergarten through adult education.

Learning Communities for School Success Program
This grant program was established for the purpose of implementing the K–12 education portion of Proposition 47, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act. Through this program, the California Department of Education administers grants and coordinates assistance to local educational agencies to support their efforts in identifying and implementing evidence-based, non-punitive programs and practices to keep the state’s most vulnerable pupils in school.

Model Continuation High School Recognition Program
Honors outstanding continuation high schools for their comprehensive programs in dropout reduction and provides a list of model continuation high schools for school visitations.

Model SARB Recognition Program
Identifies outstanding results-based school attendance and behavior improvement programs that provide comprehensive services to high-risk youth to reduce chronic absenteeism rates, dropout rates, and suspension rates.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports
A framework that aligns Response to Instruction and Intervention with the California State standards and the systems necessary to ensure academic, behavior, and social success.

National Dropout Prevention Center/Network External link opens in new window or tab.
Works to improve opportunities for all young people to fully develop the academic, social, work, and healthy life skills needed to graduate from high school and lead productive lives.

Reporting Requirements for Severance of Attendance
Information on California Education Code Section 48203, which requires the superintendent of a school district or the principal of a private school to report the severance of attendance of children with exceptional needs or handicapped children.

School Attendance Improvement Strategies
Selected strategies for reducing chronic absenteeism rates and dropout rates, including published intervention research which evaluates specific interventions against the four levels of research evidence described in the Every Student Succeeds Act with links to each study and examples of schools and districts using successful strategies.

School Attendance Review Boards
Information about SARBs that are composed of school and community members who meet regularly to diagnose and resolve persistent student attendance or behavior problems.

Information about compulsory attendance laws that define truancy and are designed to keep students in school when the normal avenues of school and district prevention and intervention have failed to motivate regular school attendance.

Questions:   Educational Options Office |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, May 7, 2024